Thursday, March 19, 2009

tdobm part 1

metor:those fools they will be gone from this place for I'm Metor.
Corix: I'm Corix.
Zesk: Who are you?

Zesk: Woah!
Zesk: aaaaah!
Zesk: la uh la uh la.


Gresh96 said...

Very cool. Post part 2.

Gresh96 said...

what does tdobm stand for. The Doom of Bara Magna?

Gresh96 said...

On to the next part.

Gresh96 said...

What's that last picture of?

Bioduel said...

till next month.

Gresh96 said...

Come on. Please.

Bioduel said...

1yes. corix

Bioduel said...

go to your mail box