Tuesday, March 17, 2009

daily pics 3


Gresh96 said...

cool pics. Where did you get that pic with the legend reborn story line on it?????
P.S. Check at my blog as often as you can cause i'm posting tons of TFFBM (the fight for bara magna) episodes today.

Bioduel said...

YAY! bzpower.:]

Gresh96 said...

can you get more followers on my blog? TFFBM Part 10 is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bioduel said...

YAY! I couldn't but onewa80 can.

Gresh96 said...

Post more stuff. i don't mind if you put the pics of the glatorian legends on your blog too.

Gresh96 said...

i can't wait til july!

Gresh96 said...

which glatorians do you have?

Gresh96 said...

which glatorian legend are you going to but after mata-nui?
I know you'll buy mata-nui first, you're obsessed with him!

Gresh96 said...


Gresh96 said...

i'll post TFFBM Part 11 at like 1:30 P.M.

Bioduel said...

Tarix,fero,tarduk, and zesk.

Bioduel said...


Gresh96 said...

This is the order that I'll buy the Glatorian Legends in.
1. Mata-Nui
2. Gelu
3. Ackar
4. Vastus
5. Kiina
6. Stronius

Gresh96 said...

You need to post more things.
I like your pics though.

Gresh96 said...

Can you have some of your followers follow my blog?

Bioduel said...

Go to http://mylegonetworkblog.blogspot.com/ and you might get some followers

Gresh96 said...

TFFBM Part 13 is out!

Gresh96 said...

can you post more comments on my blog? I want to get 50 comments on TFFBM Part 14.