Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Six Portal Lords

Here's the thing Light Blazer. I've gotten you a bit confused with the whole Ultimate Enemy thing.
Coxer: Is the Water Portal Lord
Pokfe:(A MoC you will see in the next episode) is the Ice Lord
Stinger: Is the Rock Portal Lord
Sharpedge(Neos123141's MoC) Is the Sand Portal Lord
Tantra: Is the Jungle Portal Lord
And Motex is the Fire Portal Lord

Motex is the Ultimate Enemy because he's even more powerful than Omega Sokore.
Coxer, Stinger and Pokfe are just doing Sokore's bidding until the time is right to take over Bara Magna and unleash their Master Motex. Sharpedge rescues Cratok and Tantra and helps them battle evil forces. Soon there will be a 3 on 3 battle. Hope this will help you understand more. If it doesen't help you understant fully. Just ask me some questions, of the things you don't understand.

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