You need to post the pictures on your blog.
Painted parts are allowed. Any cut/modified pieces are also allowed. Custom made parts are also allowed.
No non-LEGO parts.
Kanohi, as part of the face, is allowed. As a structural piece of the body/limbs, it is fine.
The height of your MoC may be no taller than an Glatorian Legends canister. Please try and keep the overall proportions to a canister size set.
As an added emphasis, prototype pieces are allowed.You can use digital manipulation of the MoC or background in any way.
You may post different pictures of your entry within two (2) days of the original posting of the entry, provided that you have not altered the MoC in any way, shape, or form.
Only one MoC per contestant.
i enter.
wait for a while ok?
Can't enter, im not a moccer
neos:ok and captian then you be my judge.
Me?!? JUDGE!
yes you
O boy!!! that will be AWSOME!!!
You are now a main judge.
When are the entries due by???
July 4th!!!
Is anything wrong?
No im just saying thats cool
entries are due tommarow
Where do we see the entries???
Just wait
all rite =[
Hey, Light Blazer, Iv'e made two self mocs on my blog called Sokore and Tantra, but i didn't see the date, so I can't enter.
The entries are now due by 7/13/09
Where do I enter, because Tantra is my entry.
Pickled unions
Okay I've entered my entry, Tantra on my Universe at War Blog, go look at It.
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