Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Here it is!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW! NOT BAD! Nice Job, man. Um... if this isnt to personal,...how old are YOU? just wondering. You dont have to answer if you dont wanna.

Skullamanjaro Lover said...

um im bad at making stuff but im sorry if i say this, i dont play bionicls anymore.

Bioduel said...

thats ok

Anonymous said...

How many Glatorian/ Agori/ Titans do you need to have a complete collection of Bionicle Winter 2009?

Bioduel said...

1 more glatorian 2 more agori and 1 more titan.

Anonymous said...

All I need is Tuma

Bioduel said...

I'm saving my money for the summer sets.:}

Anonymous said...

Which Glatorian Legend will you get first? I flipped a coin to see if I should Mata Nui FIRST or LAST and it landed on tales so i have to get him last. =( But i guess im savin the best for last. =)

Anonymous said...

Dude, why arent you updating your websight? I mean cum on you updated like 2 weeeks ago! YOU ARENT EVEN REPLYING to my comments!

maybe i should just stop comin to your websight. >=(

Bioduel said...

I don't have anything to update right now.